Term Three Week 3

Following our whole school assembly this week, we have been thinking about the word courage and how we need to experience some fear in order to show courage. Mrs Hodder shared this book with us all to demonstrate how we can show courage.

Term Three Week 3

Showing courage and speaking with clarity to her class mates, Sydney in Unicron class shared a presentation of her performances and progression which showcased her skills in gymnastics and her class were so very impressed! It is always wonderful to celebrate children’s skills both in and out of school.

Term Three Week 3

All three Y5/Y6 classes thoroughly enjoyed their first educational day trip in a long time which took them to Caerleon, Wales to be historians for the day. They were immersed in Roman knowledge: studying ancient arftefacts in the museum and finding clues as to what life was like 2000 years ago for the legionaries based in the town; having the chance to sit in a replic army barracks; role play being a soldier in the army; looking around the historical baths and exploring the ruins of an amphitheatre and army barracks.

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Term Three Week 3 Term Three Week 3 Term Three Week 3 Term Three Week 3 Term Three Week 3

Work of the Week W/C17th January 2022

Term Three Week 3 Term Three Week 3