Term 4 Week 4

Year 5 and Year 6  have enjoyed another busy week in school. Embracing our whole-school challenge of completing active minutes daily (not including PE lessons), we have been running around the outdoor track in the sunshine and using GoNoodle activities to wake ourselves up in between lessons as well as short fitness sessions.

Our maths learning took us outdoors so that we could measure objects in our playground and use our rounding skills effectively like some people do in their real-life jobs. We have also returned to learning French and this week was through reading a traditional tale of Goldilocks … in French!

Term 4 Week 4Term 4 Week 4Term 4 Week 4


Term 4 Week 4 Term 4 Week 4Term 4 Week 4

Work of the Week:

 Term 4 Week 4 Term 4 Week 4Term 4 Week 4Term 4 Week 4