Term 5 Week 3

We hope you enjoyed the long bank holiday weekend! It has been a busy four days in school since then.

On Tuesday, Y5 children had an amazing opportunity to experience playing samba drums with expert, Anne Clough, from North Somerset Music Service. They learnt to play in time with each other, identifying different rhythmic patterns and playing a range of percussion instruments. The feedback was that they absolutely loved it!

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In history, we researched ancient Greek gods and created powerpoint presentations which we then shared with the rest of the class.

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Also this week, we were welcomed Adele (from Revealed Projects) back to us to discuss self-esteem in greater depth. We talked about what we are good at, what our dreams are and what we like doing – it really made us think about what what is important to us and how to look after our elf-esteem.

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Eden won medals for her Drama and dance performance and a trophy for her efforts.


Billie used her engineering book to design and build her own battery powered, motorised fan at home


Term 5 Week 3Term 5 Week 3

Work of the Week 3/5/21

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