Term 5 Week 4

We have enjoyed another action-packed week of learning in y5 and Y6 topped off with our challenge of taking part in CLF’S Big Run/Walk challenge on Friday in which we saw all classes try to complete as many laps of our outdoor tracks as possible within an allotted time.

It has been national Mental Health Awareness week and we have been recognising how important it is to spend time outdoors with nature. Here are some pictures of us sketching in our pond area at the back of the school field.

Term 5 Week 4 Term 5 Week 4Term 5 Week 4

Being able to develop our music skills back in school has been fabulous – take a look at us playing the glockenspiels while learning about the singer and

songwriter Carol KingTerm 5 Week 4 Term 5 Week 4 Term 5 Week 4

We have loved our guided reading sessions in class this week during which we have read a chapter of a book we had never heard of before ‘Nevermoor’ by Jessica Townsend. Answering and discussing comprehension questions about it has enthused us to try out different authors.Term 5 Week 4Term 5 Week 4