Term Five Week 2

We have had a successful week two in school showing great attitudes towards our learning in all aspects of the curriculum.

As writers, Y5 and Y6 practised their fluent, neat and joined-up handwriting this week; they took pride in their work and were really focussed on doing their absolute best.

Term Five Week 2Term Five Week 2

Term Five Week 2 Term Five Week 2

As mathematicians, Y5 children enjoyed the challenge of sorting regular and irregular polygons according to their properties: whether or not they have right angles and parallel lines. They worked collaboratively in triads and pairs which enabled great maths talk and reasoning as to their decision-making.

Term Five Week 2 Term Five Week 2 Term Five Week 2 Term Five Week 2

As musicians, we began listening to and learning an Arabic song from the Middle East – it had great rhythm and we showed how we could to call and response techniques in performing it.

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It is always wonderful to celebrate children’s achievements from out of school as well as in school and Lily-Rose shared with us her marvellous painting she created on canvas over the Easter holidays – we were wowed by her colour-blending techniques!

Term Five Week 2