Term Five Week 4
The Year 6 children have been having a truly wonderful time on their residential camp at Charterhouse this week and the Year 5s have really risen to the challenge of temporarily being the role models across school.
Reading for pleasure remains a priority for us and, as readers, the Y5 children have very much enjoyed starting this book: Secret Friends by Elizabeth Laird
As mathematicians, Y5s have been exploring the position of shape by learning to plot co-ordinates accurately. They used their reasoning brilliantly when discuss always, sometimes and never statements.
It is great to be able to be back together in the hall singing each week. This week KS2 enjoyed singing and signing the song ‘True Colours’.
As part of our celebrations of Uphill School being 150 years old next week, we have been looking at what life and school would have been like in Victorian times (150 years ago). We enjoyed showing our new knowledge in information fact files and wrote in role as if we were a child going to school in that era.
It was interesting to discover that there were many famous artists in the Victorian era who have influenced the art world over time. Inspired by the work of William Morris, Y5s made their own printing blocks out of foam and used the printing technique to create their own wrapping paper designs.
The book Street Child by Berlie Doherty has given us insight to life in Victorian times during our whole-class guided reading sessions.
As gymnasts, we revisited how to use equipment safely and creatively to produce our own sequences of moves and jumps