Term Five Week 5

The final week of term and what a busy one it has been celebrating the school’s 150th birthday!

On Wednesday, we were lucky enough to be visited by Derek Stevenson who was the head teacher at Uphill from 1990-2000. He led a KS2 assembly first thing and the children then had the chance to ask questions in classes.Term Five Week 5 Term Five Week 5 Term Five Week 5 Term Five Week 5

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The Y5 and Y6 children have been learning about the Victorian era which was the time when Uphill School was first built in 1872. Being historians, they walked around Uphill looking for evidence of Victorian buildings and architecture.

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As part of our enquiry investigating how civilisation evolved during the Egyptian era, we enjoyed learning about the mummification process and enacted this ritual by using oranges (instead of human bodies!)Term Five Week 5 Term Five Week 5 Term Five Week 5 Term Five Week 5 Term Five Week 5 Term Five Week 5 Term Five Week 5 Term Five Week 5 Term Five Week 5 Term Five Week 5