Term Five Week 6

The weather hasn’t made its mind up this week so we have adjusted our learning experiences accordingly! With the Year 6s away on residential camp at Charterhouse for the week,  Year 5 children have been enjoying a week as historians by studying our local history – with a focus on the concept of smuggling.

We started the week by sharing the book ‘What did the tree see?’

Term Five Week 6

It is a story written from the point of view of an oak tree who lives through all the landscape changes which have occurred over the past 5oo years. We then thought about the changes that have happened in our local area of Uphill.   Taking pride in our work, we drew and wrote about the book.

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One of things that happened in the past in Uphill was smuggling. Year children loved finding out about was smuggling is and comparing items that were smuggled in the past with things smuggled nowadays.Term Five Week 6 Term Five Week 6 Term Five Week 6 Term Five Week 6 Term Five Week 6

Using descriptive techniques, we wrote a short paragraph for a story opening set in a smuggling scene.

Term Five Week 6

When the sun was out, we made the most of it by doing our paired reading outside – it was lovely!

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As mathematicians, Year 5s really liked using magimixers to generate their own numbers of the day with which they had challenges to complete .

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