Term Four Week 1
Welcome back to school for Term 4 and it has been great to see everyone after the half term holiday.
We started the term in KS2 assembly with Mrs Tinker introducing our language of the term which is Greek. She developed our understanding of the country and some of its culture and then taught us how to greet each other in Greek – we practised saying ‘Ya sou’ to each other and are going to do our daily registers this term in Greek.
As designers, Y5 and Y6 have really enjoyed creating their own versions of significant Roman innovations which had an impact on lives then and now: latrines, under-floor heating, aqueducts and amphitheatres and straight roads. They used old cardboard and worked together in groups to build their creations.
We love to read at UVA and this week has been no exception! In guided reading, Y5 and Y6 have been look at lyrics from songs and how they can influence the reader. This was clear with ‘Do you hear the people sing?’ from Les Miserables which tells the story of the rebellion in the French revolution and people standing up for their own rights.
And in paired reading this week, we joined up with children from Y2 to share our love of reading together by listening to each other read out loud and give feedback.