Term Four Week 2

We have achieved so much during Week 2 of this term and it has been wonderful to see William Blackburn’s final edition of his children-friendly newsletter which he has been creating in his own time. Enjoy reading it by clinking on the link here!

Eye on Uphill

Also, click here to watch our whole school poetry performance on our school’s you tube channel which focussed on the idea of equality, difference and inclusion

Term Four Week 2


Take a look at all the great activities and learning we have been enjoying:

In PE, our children showed great leadership skills in carrying out the warm-up for gymnastics PE lesson and then the whole class (Orion) used mats to explores movement and gymnastic start and end positions.

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In Pegasus class, they enjoyed being outside to practise their tennis racket skills.

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As historians, we have been using sources to reasearch the life of Queen Boudicca and how she was powerful in her revolt against the Roman invasion.

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We have been writing persuasively this week in English and have began creating leaflets persuasing people to visit Londinium – we have looked at persuasive techniques like rhetorical questions, exaggeration and use of imperative verbs.

Term Four Week 2

As citizens and thinking about healthy living,  we discussed in groups the risks associated with smoking and the affects it can have on your health.

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