Term Four Week 3

Week 3 began with us celebrating how to be successful mathematicians by taking part in maths activities outside of our daily maths lessons as part of the CLF Big Day of Maths as well as International Maths Day. In guided reading, we read about two female mathematicians (Ada Lovelace and Hypatia) and created our own comprehension questions about them and held discussions around the texts.

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Taking our maths learning outdoors, we collected leaves and made predictions as to their area size and then carefully calculated the area of them by drawing around them and counting the whole and part squares.

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Working together with some Y3/Y4 children, you can see that we enjoyed playing maths games with dice.

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In PE this term, we have been developing our body strength and posture in gymnastics and this week we worked on low and high apparatus to explore gymnastic moves and sequences.

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