Term Four Week 3
It has been a packed week for our Year 5s and Year 6s : visitor talking to us about safety around gangs and weapons; trip to Broadoak and Reading Week culminating in World Book Day!
On Monday, Saeed from St Giles Trust visited us to talk with us about how to keep ourselves and be aware of gangs and weapon usage. He gave us tips, insights and information on how to look after ourselves as we grow up and are out and about more.
On Wednesday afternoon, Year 5s had the opportunity of visiting Broadoak Academy to watch their production of The Addams Family – it was great to see how hard the students had worked to perfect their singing, acting and dancing.
As athletes, we have worked on on our collaboration skills by working together to ‘cross the river’ using a range of apparatus. It was fabulous to see encouragement from all involved.
How fabulous it is to see our older leaners develop as leaders in leading the warm-ups for our PE lesson: