Term Four Week 4

It has been wonderful this week seeing so many Y5/Y6 children and families make an effort to be more active and environmentally friendly by swapping the car for walking, scooting and cycling to school. The weather has been a real help so let’s try to continue with this for the second week of the challenge (Week commencing Monday 28th March).

In guided reading this week, we were introduced to an author called “Maz Evans” who wrote the series of books starting with Who Let The Gods Out. We developed our retrievals skills as well as discuss unknown vocabulary and practised giving evidence-based answers using quotes from the text.

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Following the concept of Gods and Goddesses from ancient civilisations, we researched information about The Roman Gods in the ICT suite using powerpoint and will be using our oracy skills to share and present our findings to the class.

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As always, our fabulous Y6 council crew leaders led successful sessions this week encouraging children to offer ideas and opinions, support their thinking using because and using sentence stems to frame what they are saying: I believe…/I agree with …Building on to what was just said…

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As writers this week, we have been writing a narrative from the point of view of Bouda (Boudicca’s great grand-daughter) who has just arrived at a very impressive Roman villa in Fishbrook, Britannia.

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As gymnasts this week, we explored using our core strength on low and high apparatus.

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