Term Four Week 5

The penultimate week of term and it certainly has been packed with learning!

As mathematicians, we have been learning about percentages and explaining what they are. We used this knowledge to then calculate the percentage discounts off different-priced toys.

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Exploring the characters in our class book ‘Roman Quests’ by Caroline Lawrence, we chose a character from whose point of view we are going to be writing a diary entry. Take a look at our first drafts of the opening paragraph on our whiteboards.

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As linguists this week, we continued writing our scripts in preparation for our puppet show presentations of Little Red Riding Hood – Le Petit Chaperon Rouge. We also started creating our puppet characters: La grand-mere, le forestier et le loup.

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Our Y6 children have continued to be fabulous council crew leaders this week promoting oracy skills and encouraging all crews to engage with discussions.

Term Four Week 5 Term Four Week 5 Term Four Week 5 Term Four Week 5

Why not have a go at this fun Easter challenge?

Feel Fab Easter 2022