Term Four Week 6

How time flies and the last week of term has gone with a swing: thank you to all those children and parents who were able to join us for the Charterhouse information-giving session on Tuesday  and to those who came into school on Wednesday to share their child’s history learning and knowledge from this term.

We have reached the end of our historical enquiry about How did the Romans Rule? and have worked on our project reviews highlighting what we’ve enjoyed the most as well as what knowledge we have gained.

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As mathematicians, we always like to sharpen our mental calculations skills by starting with our daily 10 questions which needs us to work against the clock to find the solutions.

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Our book talk this week encouraged us to think about which book character we would like to welcome into our class and why. It was interesting to think about the reasons why we would like to have them in our classes.

Term Four Week 6

Thank you to our cake bakers Kerys and Billie who created a wonderful cake to enter the CLF Big Bake this week – take a look at what they made!

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Our Y6 council crew leaders did a fabulous job this morning leading discussions around Easter ahead of the holidays next week.

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