Term One Week 2

We have been really settling into our new routines this week in Y5/Y6 and it has been great to recognise all those children who show consistently good attitudes towards their learning on our recognition boards,Term One Week 2

The hard work, concentration and drive to achieve high expectations has resulted in some high quality work from the children which has been displayed in our Galleries of Excellence.

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As mathematicians, the Y5s have been grappling with he relationship between fraction tenths and decimal tenths – they used cubes to aid their understanding of the concepts.

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As readers, we have begun our new quality text ‘Cosmic’ written by Frank Cotterall-Boyce and have loved having enough copies to share one between two as we read.

Term One Week 2

On Tuesday, Mr McGilloway , the principal from Broadoak Academy, came to talk to us about life at Broadoak – it was interesting listening to what he had to say.

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