Term One Week 3

It has been an exciting week for our Y5 and Y6 learners as we have seen all the Y6 children receive their prefect badge meaning that they are all role models for the rest of the school and they have began their lunchtime duties with responsibility.

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As writers, we read the next couple of chapters of our quality text ‘Wolf Brother’ and hot-seated the character ‘Torak’ so that we understood his feelings and thoughts.

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Writing in character is a key skill as an author so following our hot-seating activity we story-mapped the events and began writing chapter two from the main character’s point of view.

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As part of the writing process, we will be editing our first drafts so to improve our writing even more.

We are all Uphill Citizens and during RE lessons this week, Y5 and Y6 children discussed how everybody has their own beliefs and we should show understanding and tolerance when respecting others.

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Our First Talk Tuesday took place this week when we discussed what successful talk looked like in our classrooms. Every week, we will follow these guidelines when having discussions.

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As historians, we enjoyed examining Stone Age artefacts which have been on loan to us this week from Weston Museum. It was great to be able to observe them and deduce information about this historical era.

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