Term One Week 4
It is London Marathon week and we have been trying to complete our own mini marathons in school – each child has been given the challenge of running 2.6 miles (approximately 20 laps of our track) during the week. Go Y5s and Y6s!
As part of our enquiry, we were scientists this week and welcomed Jo Richardson from Space Detectives to Uphill who led sessions with all three classes providing expert knowledge of our solar system and space travel.
As mathematicians Y5 learners have been exploring tenths and hundredths by using practical apparatus and now can solve calculations with decimal numbers.
We are continuing to enjoy our quality text ‘Cosmic’ by Frank Cotterall-Boyce and this week, we searched through a chapter to find out as much about the main character Liam Digby – he is quite a character!
It was brilliant to use atlases in our French lessons this week as we discovered the names and locations of the main cities in France as part of our cultural understanding of the country