Term One Week 4
We started off our week with our harvest assembly and the bringing in of food donations – thank you to everyone who supported this.
As musicians this week, Y5 and Y6 children had the opportunity to play a range of percussion instruments in class while keeping the beat to a sea shanty. It was great to see them listening to the music, keeping the beat and singing at the same time. We loved finding out that sea shanties were produced so that the shanty man could keep his crew together while they pulled the oars forwards and backwards.
As writers, we used dictionaries to explore hyphenated compound adjectives like crimson-red to improve and develop our descriptive writing and effective word choices.
In science, we worked in groups to make and complete electrical circuits which made the light bulb switch on and off.
Oracy (talk) is something we value across the academy and something we are developing in all classes as it is an essential life skill. In every maths lesson, children have the opportunity to work in triads to discuss maths based on the learning that day. Look at children discussing which number is the odd one out and giving their explanations using ‘because’.
In PE, our focus has been developing our ball control skills with targeted throwing and catching. We concentrated on supporting each other by being encouraging and celebrating successes for pairs of individuals.