Term Six Week 1

Welcome to our final term of the year. How quickly the time is flying by! It has been great to be back in school and Year 6 have written some fantastic stories based on the short animation ‘The Present’. They showed how they were confident at structuring events in paragraphs, using a range of punctuation effectively and included dialogue

to move the action on.

Term Six Week 1 Term Six Week 1

Term Six Week 1 Term Six Week 1 Term Six Week 1 Term Six Week 1 Term Six Week 1 Term Six Week 1 Term Six Week 1

In French, we have began to learn vocabulary and useful phrases to help us in real life situations for ordering food and drink in cafe. We hope to produce and film a role-play scenario of this by the end of the term. Making our own menus was fun!

Term Six Week 1  Term Six Week 1 Term Six Week 1 Term Six Week 1 Term Six Week 1 Term Six Week 1 Term Six Week 1 Term Six Week 1