Term Six Week 4

The last week of June has brought us mixed weather, Y6 transition to their secondary schools and rehearsals for our Y5/Y6 production What a knight! We are very excited to be performing in real life for the first time in three years on Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th July.

Term Six Week 4

The Year 5s have really shown how they are rising to the challenge of being top of the school this week by working hard in class and being great role models for the rest of the school.

As mathematicians, we investigated square and prime numbers by convincing Mrs Tinker and Miss Horn whether or not this statement was true:

Term Six Week 4

We worked systematically and with our learning partners to prove and explain our mathematical thinking .

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Because of us being able to spot patterns in our findings, we were able to make conjectures about other numbers.

As readers and writers, we are continuing to enjoy our class book Secrets of the Sun King

Term Six Week 4

We wrote in role as Tutankhamun inviting all the wealthy people of Egypt to his grand feast to gain the favour of the gods back. Here are some of our first drafts on our whiteboards:

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We had to use really formal language to make us sound like a king!

In art, we are very proud to share our collection of collage birds.

Term Six Week 4