Term Three Week 1

Happy New Year! It has been wonderful to welcome Year 5 and Year 6 children back to school this week and we have settled into school life really well after the Christmas break.

We are being historians this term and are investigating the big enquiry qustion “How did the Romans rule?”. As a whole class, we discussed what he had to be like and what skills we needed in order to be successful historians and in each lessson, we will think \about which attribute we will be using. Because some of us already have existing knoweldge about this historical era, we recgonsied some information we knew aleady and then our learning journey can build on prior learning looking at the concepts of power and empire.

Term Three Week 1 Term Three Week 1 Term Three Week 1

To help us best with our learning, we like thinking about the states of being and also looked at what it takes to be a successful mathemataician. We then applied and used this attributes when working with the written methods of addition and subtraction.

Term Three Week 1 Term Three Week 1 Term Three Week 1 Term Three Week 1 Term Three Week 1