Term Three Week 1
Happy New Year and welcome to the start of 2024! It has been great to have all the children back in school this week and we have been focusing on settling back into school routines.
We began the term by thinking about how we can be successful this year in school and discussed how we can find success in many different forms: remembering PE kits, practising times tables, maintaining our friendships to name a few. In class, we recorded our thoughts and are going to look back at them in July to celebrate our successes.
Our new enquiry question begins this week which is ‘How did The Romans rule?’ and we were excited to start reading our new quality text Roman Quests by Caroline Lawrence.
Having read the blurb and looked at the front cover, we discussed and wrote predictions as to what we think the book is about and what may happen in it. It is one of our reading skills which we are developing as readers.
As writers, we really made an effort to improve and develop our handwriting to make sure all our letters are formed correctly.