Term Three Week 2
It has been a freezing cold week but we have kept warm and have continued to work hard in Years 5 and 6.
As writers, we are thoroughly enjoying reading our new quality text ‘Roman Quests’ and explored the main character this week – Juba. He is a young boy living in Rome during The Roman Era and he finds himself facing the challenge of having to flee the city while looking after his siblings: Fronto, Ursula and Dora. To find out more about the character’s feelings, we carried out a hot-seating activity during which the class questioned ‘Juba’ and listened to the responses. Imy in Orion class did a brilliant job!
Look out for our writing next week which will be a letter from the point of view of Juba showing that we can write in role.
During Talk Tuesday this week, we continued developing our oracy skills in triads by discussing the question ‘What was my favourite book I read last year?’ Children had the opportunity to jot down their thoughts first then shared them using sentence stems while our talk detectives listened in to the conversations to give feedback on the group’s oracy skills.
As gymnasts, Years 5 and 6 have been focussing on being creative as they practise balances and moves to use in a gymnastic sequence- they worked effectively with a partner to produce a gymnastic sequence to share with the rest of the class.
As scientists, we have explored forces using a range of equipment.