Term Three Week 3

Everyone is expecting colder temperatures so let’s make sure we wrap up warm this week.

Working hard as mathematicians, Y5 children have been developing their maths talking skills each lesson. They use sentence stems confidently to structure how they explain their mathematical thinking.

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Each lesson, the children work in small groups to try to convince me whether or not a maths statement is true of false and record their thinking in their maths books.

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In English, we have enjoyed studying the front cover and the blurb of our new class book ‘Floodland’ by Marcus Sedgwick and as readers, we focussed on the prediction area of our comprehension skills.

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Having only read the first chapter, we looked at how the author created suspense for the reader by using short sentences for effect, included the main character’s emotions and experimented with the power of three . We shared our reading out loud with the rest of the class.

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As part of our linking schools project with Minerva Academy in Bristol, Orion and Unicorn class have created poems called ‘I am, I wonder’ to send to them. They are all about our individuality and how unique we all are.

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Developing our invasion games skills has been good this week in outdoor PE when we have been using wooden hockey sticks to practise dribbling and passing.

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