Term Three Week 4
It has certainly being changeable weather this week but we have managed to get out at break and lunchtimes to enjoy some fresh air and running laps for our challenge of Uphill Runs The World.
As gymnasts, we have built on last week’s small apparatus skills and worked in pairs or small groups to create our own gymnastic sequences – what fantastic collaboration and creativity we showed!
Being Uphill citizens we have previously discussed our hopes and dreams for us in school and at home. This week, we turned our thinking to the bigger picture of the wider world and held discussions on our hopes for global matters: conflict and war, poverty and diseases.
Our Y6 House and Vice House Captains did a brilliant job this week leading our house assemblies and encouraging discussions around our school values: responsibility, courage, trust and everybody. We hope to out everybody’s bext thinking together in a visual to be displayed around the school.