Term Three Week 7

The last week of Term Three and we have been working hard across all three Year 5 and Year6 classes. We would like to remind you that you can access our virtual library to enjoy reading a range of books written by inspirational authors. Click on the link below to browse the library shelves.

Term Three Week 7                    UVA virtual library final version

As writers, we explored the characters in our book so that we could write descriptively about their emotions and the setting – we love hot seating as an activity to achieve this.

Term Three Week 7

As part of the writing process, having written descriptively , we worked with our learning partners to proof-read and edit our work.

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As historians, we learnt about Roman innovations by having a go at making them ourselves.

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In PE, it was great to play sitting volleyball which enabled us to demonstrated our communication, social and collaborative skills.

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