Term Two Week 1

After our half-term break, it has been wonderful to welcome everyone back into school this week. We started off our Monday with our weekly ‘Let’s talk books’ question which encrouaged us to think about our favourite book cover and explain why.

Term Two Week 1

We have also thoroughly enjoyed starting to read our new class book entitled ‘The Last Human’ which links perfectly with our enquiry question ‘Have we made the world a better place?’. As part of our learning an as geographers, we will be trying to understand how we can help planet Earth to deal with global waming and climate change.

Term Two Week 1Term Two Week 1

Being readers, we have worked hard to make predictions about what the story may be about from the front cover and the blurb and have got to explore the main characters, a robot named XR_935.

Term Two Week 1 Term Two Week 1 Term Two Week 1

Zahra, in Y5, brought in her new prayer mat which she was very proud of and rightly so as she explained to the class how important it was to her and her faith.

Term Two Week 1