Term Two Week 1

A big welcome back to Term Two and we hope you all enjoyed a relaxing half term break. It has been great to see the children settle back into the routine of life at UVA.

All Y5/Y6 children have been focussing on balance and co-ordination in PE as you can see in the following photos. They worked in partners building up trust as well as balancing skills.

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We were delighted to receive bunting from our linking school Minerva Primary in Bristol telling us all about the children in their Y6 classes. We are going to display it in our classrooms and look forward to learning more about each other as the year progresses.

Term Two Week 1

Having concentrated on learning new knowledge about space in term one, we continue with our enquiry question ‘Where is our place in space?’ but from the point of view of a historian this term as we focus on space exploration.Term Two Week 1

Pegasus class have been retrieving their knowledge of galaxies and constellations before thinking about how space exploration has enabled us to make discoveries within our solar system.

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As writers, we continue to work hard to investigate and develop our spelling skills. This week, our spelling pattern is words which end in -tial or -cial.

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