Term Two Week 2

Week Two over the term and we have been really busy…again!

We started the week talking about books and this time is was about non-fiction books, answering the question ‘What fact have you learnt from an information book’?Looking at descriptive writing this week, we learnt to use a thesaurus effectively to help us explore purposeful and effective word choices.

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In PE, we have been developig our communication skills whilst playing team sports – we even had two confident Y5s leading our warm-ups!

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We love to celebrate our achievements both in and out of school and here is Lily-Mai from Orion class who is proudly showing her award from taking part in a gymnastics competition at the weekend.

Term Two Week 2

Our house and vice captains (Y6) made us incredibly proud on Thursday by delivering readings as part of  Uphill Village Remembrance day.

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Work of the Week W/C 8.11.21

Term Two Week 2 Term Two Week 2 Term Two Week 2