Term Two Week 3
November is certainly flying by and this week is busy in school with Odd Socks Day on Monday to launch national anti-bullying week (to celebrate each of us being unique) as well as Children in Need Day on Friday.
As citizens this week, we have discussed bullying in our PSHE lessons and are making a real effort to be kind to each other. Look out for everyone coming home on Thursday with a sticker which someone else has written from them when noticing something positive about that indidivual.
Being linguists this term, we are learning how to say what the weather is like in French with the aim of producing and recording our own weather reports by the end of the term.
Linked with our learning about meteorology, our maths has ensured we have mastered our understanding of negative numbers: we used world maps online to enhance our knowledge of climates and negative numbers used in real life.
Our eco-ambassadors are carrying out their role in recycling flexible plastics really well as you can see from the amount of crisp and chocolate biscuit wrappers which have been collected this week – two of these boxes!
Our Y6 bikeability students participated and all passed their skills and challenges last week as they were guided safely around the streets of Uphill learning how to be road-safe as cyclists.