Term Two Week 4
What an autumnal week it has been weather-wise and we have survived the rainy lunch and break times!
As historians, Y5 and Y6 have been learning about The Space Race which ended in the moon landing in 1969. That was definitely a day to remember when the eagle landed!
Do please come along to our Presentation of Learning on Wednesday 30th November 2:30pm in our school hall when our children will demonstrate to you how much they have learnt in our enquiry since September.
It is always wonderful to celebrate children’s achievements both in and out of school and this week in Orion, our musicians have been enjoying the chance of performing in front of the class.
As mathematicians, we have been developing our multiplication skills in arithmetic but have also challenged ourselves by working out missing numbers in calculations.
It really has made us think about using knowledge to persevere with problem-solving.