Term Two Week 5

Week 5 and it’s packed full of learning and experiences for children in Y5 and Y6. Many of us have been learning how to be safe on our bikes and have enjoyed sessions led by the bikebaility experts.

Our christmas postbox has cuased much excitement as our Y6 prefects now have the daily task of emptying the cards, sorting them and delivering them safely to all classes and our classrooms aer beginning to feel festive!

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It is always great to see children enthused by their learning in school and continue it at home. Verity chose to write the next chapter of our class book The Last Human in the tsyle of the author Lee BaconTerm Two Week 5

We love to celebate achievements both in and out of school and here is Robert from Orion class sharing with the class his martial arts expertise and competition wins.

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Being readers, we are continuing to develop our skills of reading independently and out loud to the rest of the class.

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As geographers, we have been learning about what renewable energy sources are available to use instead of fossil fuels which cause harm to our environment.

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Work of the Weeke W/C 29/11/21

Term Two Week 5 Term Two Week 5 Term Two Week 5