Term Two Week 6

The penultimate week of the term and indeed of 2022 in school and it has been packed full or learning as well as embracing the Christmas spirit.

As citizens, Y5/Y6 children read the book ‘Rose Blanche’ by Christophe Galaz which told the story of a young girl who lived during WW2. She took food to those who didn’t have any and offered her help. After that, children were tasked with the job of role play and acting out the situation between Rose and her mum making sure Rose justified her actions. Everyone worked collaboratively and performed the short drama scene in front of the class.

Term Two Week 6 Term Two Week 6 Term Two Week 6 Term Two Week 6 Term Two Week 6 Term Two Week 6 Term Two Week 6 Term Two Week 6 Term Two Week 6 Term Two Week 6

As artists, we have been developing our painting and sketching skills.

Term Two Week 6 Term Two Week 6

Some of us have been part of the school’s choir since September and this week got to sing in the local community: Weston Hospice and The Manor House nursing home

Term Two Week 6 Term Two Week 6