Unicorn – Term 2

Welcome to Unicorn’s Term 2 blog page.

 Scroll down for who has earned the ‘Work of the Week’ award.

Unicorn - Term 2

This term, we are deepening our understanding of our project:

“Where is our place in Space?”

We will look at the Space Race which was so important in the development of space exploration back in the 1960’s and impacted on our life today.

We continue to have PE lessons on TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS.

The YST are offering a free virtual after school club for parents that their children can join in with via youtube at home following this link:

Children can come into school already in their PE kit and homework will continue as well: Mondays for English and Fridays Maths. Please encourage your child to complete the online tasks on Read Theory, Spelling Frame and Hegarty maths.

If you have problems with passwords and logging on, please do get in touch with us via our year group email: [email protected]

This term, we have presented our learning with a video assembly.

Click here to watch our class presentation on Space. 

Year 6 have been taking part in level 2 bikeability this week. They all passed and are able to ride on the roads safely. Well done!

Unicorn - Term 2


Work of the week this week goes to:

Billie JarvisFor her excellent narrative which is inspired by our class book ‘Cosmic’. She has edited and improved her work to include all the excellent features of a writer.

Unicorn - Term 2


Work of the week this week goes to:

Greyson Smith

Unicorn - Term 2Unicorn - Term 2


Work of the week this week goes to:

Sonny Birch

Unicorn - Term 2


Work of the week this week goes to:

Lacey King

Unicorn - Term 2


Work of the week this week goes to:

Edie Andrews

Unicorn - Term 2

For her superb poem to describe the water cycle using technical vocabulary including precipitation, condensation, percolation, evaporation and transpiration.