Term 4-Week 6

Thursday 28th March
We cannot believe it is the last week of term four. Your children have worked so hard and we have loved seeing their progress over this term in all areas. Thank you to all of you that came to celebrate your child’s learning. Your children were so proud to present

Term 4- Week 5

Thursday 21st March
We cannot believe this is the penultimate week of term 4. Another busy week in Year 2, we have been doing lots of assessments to see how well your children are getting on, we are so proud of them. We are so excited to share our learning with you next

Term 3- Week 4

Thursday 14th March
A huge thank you to everyone who has taken part in our Big Walk and Wheel week, we have seen a huge improvement as the week has gone one. As Historians, we had a brilliant trip to visit the SS Great Britain to learn more about Isambard Kingdom Brunel. We

Term 4-Week 3

Thursday 7th March
Another incredible week of learning. We would like to wish you all a Happy Mothers day for Sunday. On World Book Day, we looked at what our learning partner was dressed as. We then looked at the book and wrote a book review. As writers, we have been

Term 4 – Week 2

Friday 1st March
As writers this week, we have been drafting, editing and publishing our incredible biography’s based on Florence Nightingale. They are incredible and we are so proud of them. We interviewed Florence to gain some more information before we wrote our plans. As citizens, we have been looking at how

Term 4-Week 1

Friday 23rd February
Welcome back, we all hope you had a fantastic and well deserved break. Term 4 is an exciting term with our much anticipated trip to SS Great Britain. This week, Dom from Somerset cricket came into work with us. He will be in every Thursday. The children learnt ball skills

Term 3-Week 6

Thursday 8th February
What a brilliant end of term week, we’ve had! Michael Gorely from Historic England came and guided us around (a very wet) Uphill to help us in our enquiry, ‘Who were the Victorians’. Michael, helped us to identify features in Uphill which dated back to the Victorian era. We learnt

Term 3-Week 5

Thursday 1st February
Another busy week. We have been incredible learners this week and we are so proud of our children.   As writers, we have been writing in role as Oliver. Our diary entries are incredible and we have budding authors in Year Two. As Mathematicians, we have been looking

Term 3-Week 4

Friday 26th January
Week 4 has been a busy week and we have been keen scientist during ‘Birdwatch 24’. Mr. Hancock gave us the challenge of bird spotting. We had to see how many we could spot in ten minutes. As mathematicians we have introduced the concept of multiplication. We have

Term 3-Week 3

Thursday 18th January
This term seems to be zooming by and we are already in week 3. As writers this week, we have been looking at the adjectives we used last week to describe the Workhouses. We are now using these adjectives to write a detailed description about these. The quality of our