Term 6- Week 1

Friday 7th June
Welcome back! We hope you had a wonderful half term. We can’t believe this is our last term with your wonderful children. As writers we have been looking at our new book, ‘Rainbow Bear’ and we have begun this book by looking at how adjectives can be used to had

Term 5-Week 6

Thursday 23rd May
Our final week has been jam packed with incredible learning. We have been celebrating ‘local history’ week.  We have been learning about George Muller and how he helped hundreds of children by creating orphanages. We also learnt about Uphill Grange and how it was used to help others. We discovered

Term 5-Week 5

Thursday 16th May
We’ve had such a productive week full of incredible learning. As writers, we have been presenting our entry diaries of what we might have seen in ‘The Great Fire of London’. The descriptive language we have used are just exquisite. We are so proud of them. As mathematicians,

Term 5- Week 4

Thursday 9th May
We hope you had a wonderful Bank Holiday! This week, as writers we have been exploring our new book, ‘Toby and the Great Fire of London’ to help us write in role. We will be writing a entry from the perspective of people witnessing the Great Fire of London.

Term 5-Week 3

Thursday 2nd May
Another busy week full of incredible learning! As writers we have been drafting and presenting our wonderful leaflets all about London and why it is a place to visit. As mathematicians, we have been learning about money, firstly recapping the coins and value they hold and then using

Term 5-Week 2

Thursday 25th April
A very exciting week as we had our WOW day to help us learn more about our enquiry, ‘What made London Burn?’ Jethro who was Samuel Pepys’ servant travelled from the year 1666 to tell us about the Great Fire of London. We discovered lots of amazing things about what

Term 5-Week 1

Friday 19th April
Welcome back! We hope you all had a relaxing Easter break, we were so excited to see your children. This term our new enquiry, is about The Great Fire of London. We are really excited about learning about this significant even in our history. This week we have been learning

Term 4-Week 6

Thursday 28th March
We cannot believe it is the last week of term four. Your children have worked so hard and we have loved seeing their progress over this term in all areas. Thank you to all of you that came to celebrate your child’s learning. Your children were so proud to present

Term 4- Week 5

Thursday 21st March
We cannot believe this is the penultimate week of term 4. Another busy week in Year 2, we have been doing lots of assessments to see how well your children are getting on, we are so proud of them. We are so excited to share our learning with you next

Term 3- Week 4

Thursday 14th March
A huge thank you to everyone who has taken part in our Big Walk and Wheel week, we have seen a huge improvement as the week has gone one. As Historians, we had a brilliant trip to visit the SS Great Britain to learn more about Isambard Kingdom Brunel. We