Term 1 Week 2

Year 2 information:

Email: [email protected]

Jupiter Class:

Class teacher: Miss Ware

Teaching Partner: Mrs Beal

PE: Mondays (term 1 only), Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Pluto Class:

Class teacher: Miss Arnall

Teaching partner: Mrs Oliffe

PE: Mondays and Tuesdays

Year 2 Homework Grid

Week 2

What a busy week we have had in year 2!


We have started our new project this week ‘Where in the world are we?’ and have been understanding how compasses work. We also practiced our skills in giving directions using positional language. We were all able to label the main points of a compass and even directed our friends around using them.

Term 1 Week 2

In maths this week we have been reminding ourselves all about place value. We have been able to partition out tens and ones up to the number 50. We also have been practicing our reasoning and problem skills where we have discussed our answers and even tried to persuade our partners.


For science this term we are learning about materials including solids, liquids and gasses. Our question of the week was: ‘If I can pour water out of a glass and I can pour sand out of a bucket, are they both liquids?’

We will be exploring this question further for Terms 1 and 2 and we will look back to see if our first thoughts were correct.



Next week in our English lessons we will be starting a new class book, but for this week we have been practicing our SPaG including going on a noun hunt around the school and using adjectives to describe our friends in our class.

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We have finished our wonderful scarecrow family of Mr Men for the Uphill Scarecrow festival this weekend. We have made a Mr Tickle, Mr Bump, Mr Happy and Mr Small, Mr Strong and Mr Messy!

Open photo


This week we had our first cricket session with the Somerset cricket coach and we loved it! We showed such enthusiasm and listened really carefully to instructions and tips.

Term 1 Week 2


We cannot wait to see what fun and exciting learning we get to do next week!