Term 1 Week 3

Welcome to Year 2!

Pluto class: Miss Porter (Monday/Tuesday)

Mrs. Lorimer (Wednesday-Friday)

Mrs Oliffe and Mrs. Bramfitt (teaching partners)

Mrs Owen will cover PPA in Pluto every other Tuesday morning and every other Friday morning

Jupiter Class: Miss Ware (Class teacher)

Mrs Beal (teaching partner).

Mrs Haberfield will cover PPA in Jupiter on Wednesday afternoons.


We have continued being mathematicians this week learning all about our tens and ones. We have loved using different resources and finding how many tens there are in different numbers.


As writers this week we have started a new book called The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch. We have used our inference skills to infer what the story will be about along with where it is set only by looking at the front cover. We then used a book talk grid to discuss what we liked, dislikes, any connections or if there was something that was strange or surprising.

At the end of the week we wrote a character description about the pesky seagull that kept stealing Mr Grinling’s lunch. We all have experienced our own pesky seagulls on Weston’s seafront.


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As scientists we explored different solids in our lesson. We investigated whether all solids were the same. We found that some solids can be poured and moulded. Some can be light or filled with air whilst most are hard and are not easy to break.

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