Term 1 – Week 2

Welcome to Year 2!

Pluto class: Miss Porter (Monday/Tuesday)

Mrs. Lorimer (Wednesday-Friday)

Mrs Oliffe and Mrs. Bramfitt (teaching partners)

Mrs Owen will cover PPA in Pluto every other Tuesday morning and every other Friday morning

Jupiter Class: Miss Ware (Class teacher)

Mrs Beal (teaching partner).

Mrs Haberfield will cover PPA in Jupiter on Wednesday afternoons.


Where in the world are we?

We have continued to look and learn about where our school is in our local area this week. As a class we learnt about different compass points and where we are in relation to landmarks. We used compasses as well to help understand directions and how these can help us to read maps and plan routes.

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For English this week, we have been focussing on our SPaG. We have learnt what nouns are and found some on our noun hunt around the school, we described our learning partners using adjectives, using commas in a list was a new challenge for Year 2 and finally we have used all of the above to write fantastic expanded noun phrases.

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When being scientists this week we have learnt all about different states of matter. We now know that everything around us is made of matter. Matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms which are too small to see. We looked at what the atoms would look like and created them using our bodies as groups and counters.

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For maths we were able to compare numbers whilst learning to add and subtract multiples of ten. We used a variety of different resources and visual aids.

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