Term 1- Week 6

 Week 6

Year 2 Homework Grid

What another lovely week in Year 2!

This week in our project ‘Where in the world are we?’ and English, we have been writing a non-chronological report about Weston Super Mare. We discussed what we have to do in Weston, what delicious food there is to eat and what kind of things we can do at the beach. We then recapped over using expanding noun phrases and put all of this learning in to writing some fantastic, persuasive reports.

Term 1- Week 6 Term 1- Week 6

In maths this week we have been recapping counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. We have been practicing counting objects in 2s, s, and 10s and have done lots of reasoning and problem solving around this.

In science we were concentrating on liquids this week. We discussed how to identify a liquid and then measured them. We did an experiment altogether outside with a variety of liquids and observed which one moved the fastest. Our question was ‘Do all liquids pour the same as water?’

Term 1- Week 6 Term 1- Week 6

This week in PE we put all of our new cricket knowledge and skills into practise and all enjoyed some different cricket based games. Our favourite ones was called ‘Cricket Mayhem’!

Term 1- Week 6 Term 1- Week 6Term 1- Week 6 Term 1- Week 6

We have also been practicing our phonics this week. Looking closely at reading real and alien words to help with our sounding out and reading.

Term 1- Week 6 Term 1- Week 6

This week was also our last council crew before half term and we have been discussing what makes us happy and what we are looking forward to doing over the next couple of week. We love using this time discussing out thoughts and feelings while spending it with our council crew leaders.

Term 1- Week 6

As a school we now have a reading question of the week. This week’s question was “If you could be a character from any story, who would you be and why?”. Here are some of the answers Jupiter Class came up with.

Term 1- Week 6

We have 3 days of learning in school left before half term so come back next week to see what we get up to!