Term 2- Week 2

 Week 2

Year 2 Homework Grid

Year 2 have had a very fun and busy week this week.

In maths we have been learning all about adding numbers together using our number bonds and related facts. We explored make 10 more and 10 less than a number. We also learnt about making 10 before adding two numbers together to help us.

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We have some brilliant work this week in English, using our book The Snail and the Whale. We have had a great week discussing our thoughts, feelings and opinions on the book alongside using our expanded noun purses to describe it. We learnt about different sentence types and practiced making exclamation sentences. We then looked at features of a letter and put all of our new knowledge in to writing our own letter as if we were the snail, replying to our flock on the rock.


In science this week we began to explore gas and thought about how we could measure them.  We then did an exciting experiment and recorded the weight of a carbonated drink when it was first opened and compared this to it’s weight when it was flat.


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During project this week we learnt all about the different continents and oceans. We learnt in more detail about our continent, Europe,  and what countries are here before we then learnt songs to remember the continents and oceans, which we LOVED!


In art this week we were focusing on creating different tones using different media. We explored using pencil, crayon and chalk and how we would make each one different tones. We found that it was much easier to do with pencil.

As a school this week we also took part in a cross country event where we all ran incredibly!

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We have  had two stories about remembrance day and have discussed why it is so important to take time to stop and remember. We all took part in a 2 minute silence with the rest of the school and thought about all service men and women.

Term 2- Week 2

We have also started practicing our songs ready for the Christmas carol service in December. Both classes have tried very hard to learn them and we can’t wait to perform it for you all.