Term 2 – Week 3

Week 3

Year 2 Homework Grid

What a week we have had!

Thank you to everyone who has been practicing our carols for our concert in December. Below are the YouTube links to the songs. If any of the words are different please go with the ones that your child was sent home with. We will be learning them in school but any extra practice at home would be greatly appreciated.

Midnight Carol : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k93EdJwarB0

No Room at the Inn Carol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgqqQ1Jc7o0

Calypso Carol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRt4x9-r5vA

It was on a starry night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4lYZdiasE8

Away in a manger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnwO_0DrpCk

This Christmas Time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0P5x0Km1hjQ


Thank you to everyone for participating in Children in Need day this week. We had lots of fun dressing up and doing some Pudsey related activities. Here are some fantastic photos!

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In maths this week we have been learning all about adding and subtracting numbers when we need to exchange our dienes.

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We have finished writing our letters in the role of the Tiny Snail from the book The Snail and the Whale all about our adventure around the world. We have also edited these ourselves to make it the best it can be.


In our geography lesson this week have been learning about different climates and weather types. We have learnt that the closer you are to the equator the hotter it will be.

On Tuesday 23rd November (next week) year 2 are going on a walk around Uphill to look at our weather and compare our local area to a different country. The country we are comparing ourselves to is India.

Term 2 - Week 3

In Science we have continued to learn about gases and have sorted solids, liquids and gases into different groups really understanding the properties of each.


Pluto class had a fantastic art lesson this week learning all about mixing colours to make a different colour. Check out our amazing colour wheels. Jupiter Class will be having a go next week.

Term 2 - Week 3 Term 2 - Week 3 Term 2 - Week 3 Term 2 - Week 3