Term 2- Week 5

Week 5

Year 2 Homework Grid

What a busy week!

We have been super busy this week practicing for our carol concert. Thank you to everyone who has been practicing our carols for our concert. Below are the YouTube links to the songs and practice at home would be greatly appreciated. The children also have some speaking lines to practice too. We can’t wait to show you on Tuesday!

Midnight Carol : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k93EdJwarB0

No Room at the Inn Carol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgqqQ1Jc7o0

Calypso Carol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRt4x9-r5vA

It was on a starry night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4lYZdiasE8

Away in a manger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnwO_0DrpCk

This Christmas Time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0P5x0Km1hjQ

Term 2- Week 5   Term 2- Week 5 Term 2- Week 5

In maths this week we have been practicing subtracting 2 2-digit numbers, with  exchanging. We all worked so hard and have been brilliant, despite this being very tricky to understand.

Term 2- Week 5

Term 2- Week 5 Term 2- Week 5

After innovated the story of of The Snail and the Whale and retelling it to our friends, this week in English we have been authors and have written our very own version of the story. They are all brilliant!

Term 2- Week 5 Term 2- Week 5 Term 2- Week 5

In Science we have recapped over everything we have learnt about materials. We reminded ourselves about the different states of matter, what the atoms look like that build these and what we use to measure different matters.

Key Stage 1 assembly this week was all about advent and we have spoken lots about all of the chocolate and elves that have appeared in lots of houses! We loved receiving a delivery form Eddy the elf in Pluto class who brought advent books. Jupiter Class have also had a visit from Buddy the elf and Elf Miss Ware. They seem to be getting up to mischief already. We enjoyed opening the letters and we have a book to open and read everyday until the end of term.

Term 2- Week 5 Term 2- Week 5 Term 2- Week 5

Term 2- Week 5 Term 2- Week 5Term 2- Week 5