Term 2- Week 6

Week 6

Year 2 Homework Grid

We had a very busy week this week!

If you were able to attend, we are sure you will agree that the children were absolutely fabulous at our carol service. They worked so hard learning all of the songs, they spoke clearly, sang beautifully and very much enjoyed themselves. Thank you to everyone that helped practice at home.

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In maths this week we have been recapping everything we have learnt this term and have been going over and fixing all of our marvelous mistakes.

In English we have been learning about imperative verbs (bossy words) in order to write a set of instructions. We have wrapped a christmas present in readiness to write instructions on how to do it next week.

 Term 2- Week 6 Term 2- Week 6

Term 2- Week 6 Term 2- Week 6

 Term 2- Week 6 Term 2- Week 6 Term 2- Week 6


In Geography we have recapped over everything we have learnt in our project ‘Where in the world are we?’. This project has come to an end and we are going to love learning about ‘Who made the greatest difference? in our project for terms 3 & 4.

Jupiter this week in Art have looked at 2 different artists: Picasso and Haring. We have drawn our own versions inspired by our chosen artist and nect week we will be adding some paint.

Term 2- Week 6 Term 2- Week 6 Term 2- Week 6

We’ve loved seeing each other’s Christmas jumpers on Friday and having a chocolate hunt with our grown ups in the afternoon. We are very much looking forward to having lots of fun in our last week of term before Christmas.

Term 2- Week 6Term 2- Week 6