Term 3 – Week 1 & 2
Welcome Back!
We hope everyone had an amazing break over Christmas and we cannot wait to show you all of the fantastic learning we get up to.
Jupiter Class are very lucky to have Miss Garcia-Perez join us for terms 3 & 4.
We have a new enquiry! Over terms 3 and 4 our new enquiry question is ‘Who were the Victorians?’. In week 1 we asked questions about our enquiry and shared anything we already know. In week 2 we found out lots of information about their Monarch Queen Victoria and focused on how long ago the Victorian era was in relation to our lives.
As writers we have started reading the book Oliver Twist. We have spent our English lessons predicting what the characters might be like and writing fantastic descriptions all about the Victorian Workhouse Oliver lived in.
In Maths we have been adding and subtracting 2 2-digit numbers. We have enjoyed using our resources and then drawing our workings out. Our year 2s have really impressed us with their reasoning and problem solving skills too!
Lots of new things happening in 2023. Our science learning has also changed. We will be learning all about electricity this term and we cannot wait to show you some of the practical lessons we will be doing. This week we learnt about static electricity which we found very interesting and even figured out how to give each other electric shocks by creating static electricity.
As Musicians both year 2 classes listened and appraised the famous song We Will Rock You by Queen and then had the opportunity to pay our own rock song ‘I want to play in a band’ on our glockenspiels. Both classes showed great listening skills and performed the section of the song amazingly. Miss Ware was extremely impressed.
In Art both classes had the opportunity to create their own piece of art work inspired by either Keith Herring or Pablo Picasso. We will be finishing these next week then moving onto a new skill.
For PSHE Jupiter Class read the book ‘How to be a lion’ and found out that it is good to be different and always stay true to yourself.
Both year 2 classes had the opportunity to think about goals they had achieved recently and how it made them feel adding them to their ‘treasure box’.
Jupiter Class have started gymnastics in PE and started looking at balances using low apparatus.