Term 3- Week 2
Week 2
What an amazing week in Pluto and Jupiter class!
This week in our history enquiry ‘Who has made the greatest difference?’ we moved to our next loop ‘Who was Queen Victoria?’. We used different sources (videos, articles and websites) to learn about who she was and what she did. We sorted events into things that happened whilst Queen Victoria was reigning and when Queen Elizabeth was reigning so that we could see how things have changed. We then created a fact file about Queen Victoria which included interesting facts and why she was significant.
In English we looked at pictures of the characters in Oliver Twist and made predictions about them based on things we noticed. We thought of some brilliant adjectives and worked in groups to write these down. We then used what we had thought of to write character predictions and used because to justify our thoughts.
In maths this week we have continued learning about money. We have been investigating making the same amounts with different coins and answering lots of reasoning and problem solving questions around this.
In science we started our new topic of Electricity. We discussed what we already know about where it comes from and what it is used for and then learnt all about static electricity. We tested it’s presence with a balloon experiment!
We have had a great time in PE this week! On Monday we practiced our balance and had to challenge ourselves to move different ways along different levelled lines. On Tuesday Pluto class managed to get outside in the sun and practice ball skills with our feet. We played different games and practiced dribbling in different ways.