Term 3 Week 3

What a great week we have had! 

As computer scientists, this term we are learning about programming and algorithms. We have learned that the order of our instructions have a direct impact on the outcome. We have used bee-bots to and arrow commands to predict where we thought the Bee-Bot would end up and then tested to see if we were correct.

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As mathematicians, we have continued to learn about subtraction. This week we have been using equipment and drawing to prove how we know our answers are correct.

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As writers, we have been learning all about adjectives and how powerful they can be. We created a mind map of ideas linked to our class book Oliver Twist. We paid particular attention to the workhouse and thought about what we might see, hear, smell and taste. We will use our ideas in our descriptive writing next week.

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As athletes, we have been learning all about balance and stance. We enjoyed completing activities which tested our concentration and balance. We thought about how we could make each challenge trickier and easier to complete.

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