Term 3-Week 4

Week 4 has been a busy week and we have been keen scientist during ‘Birdwatch 24’. Mr. Hancock gave us the challenge of bird spotting. We had to see how many we could spot in ten minutes.

Term 3-Week 4 Term 3-Week 4 Term 3-Week 4 Term 3-Week 4 Term 3-Week 4 Term 3-Week 4

As mathematicians we have introduced the concept of multiplication. We have looked at how we split objects into equal groups and how it is lots of objects added together. To make it simplified we have then looked at how we multiply to make it quicker.

Term 3-Week 4 Term 3-Week 4

As writers, we have been looking at how we write a diary. This will help us when we come to write a diary extract next week, pretending to be Oliver.

Term 3-Week 4 Term 3-Week 4

As scientist, we have been looking at vaccines and why they are important. We had to persuade others on the importance of them. We chose different ways to present, a play, posters, pictures or instructions as to why they are important.

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As Historians, we have been looking at games in the Victorian times. We have then had a go at making some of these games.

Term 3-Week 4 Term 3-Week 4 Term 3-Week 4 Term 3-Week 4

As Citizens we have been looking at how working in a team or with others can help to achieve bigger goals. We were given some goals to achieve and we found it easier to achieve in groups rather than on our own.

Term 3-Week 4

As computer experts we have been looking at algorithms and how important there are when programming something. We have been predicting the sequence of  instructions and have realised the sequence matters. If they are in a different order we will have different results.

Term 3-Week 4 Term 3-Week 4 Term 3-Week 4 Term 3-Week 4