Term 3- Week 6

Week 6

What a busy week!

We continued reading Oliver Twist this week and explored Oliver’s feelings at different parts of the story. We have started planning a letter to write in role as Oliver to Mr Brownlow explaining how we feel, what had happened and persuading him to forgive us.

This week as historians we joined the BBC live teach and we loved it! We looked at how our lives compare to their lives and also how the Victorians have effected our lives with their actions and inventions.

Term 3- Week 6

As mathematicians, we continued looking at division by grouping and sharing. We have used cubes, dienes and bar models to show our understanding of dividing by 2 and 5 and division with odd/even numbers.

As scientists we looked at switches and buzzers in a simple circuit. We discussed which circuits we think would work and then drew a complete one and explained why it worked.

Term 3- Week 6

In PE this week, Pluto class moved on to hand ball skills. We practiced dribbling and moving into space with the ball.

Term 3- Week 6 Term 3- Week 6

Term 3- Week 6 Term 3- Week 6

We continued our running club this week and ran 1.5 miles!

Term 3- Week 6

This week was children’s mental health week. We discussed that people are similar to trees in that we grow in all circumstances but some things help us to grow even more. We then wrote on a leaf what we think helps us grow emotionally.

Term 3- Week 6 Term 3- Week 6 Term 3- Week 6

For internet safety day we did lots of fun activities surrounding the story of ‘Digi Duck and the magic castle’. We learnt how to stay safe online and what is  We did lots of thinking with out feet and choosing different emotions towards internet scenarios.

Term 3- Week 6